Saturday, October 11, 2014

Day 18 (10/10) - Santo Domingo de Calzada to Burgos (85km by bus)

We simply don't have the time to walk the complete 600+ miles from our starting point to Santiago so decided to skip ahead by bus, plus it skips some sections walking along the main road and through the industrial suburbs of Burgos. It took perhaps 90 minutes by bus to cover what we walked last year in 4 days so that should give us enough days to walk the remainder (although the last bit into Leon is also pretty dreary). We arrived Burgos around 11am and toured the 13th century cathedral. Very, VERY impressive, especially in the context of arriving after walking two plus weeks through small villages and countryside. It is hard to imagine how medieval pilgrims would have viewed this upon their arrival. We checked in to the large municipal albergue (5 euros each - $7) for the night. Then wandered around stopping at tapas bars we remember from last year. Took a nap late afternoon and went tapas bar hopping for dinner.

Gate into old part of town

13th century Burgos cathedral.

Entry into cathedral

There are two classic Spanish representations for Santiago (Saint James). This is as "matamoros" (slayer of moors) and a bit unsettling (to us at least). We much prefer the image of Santiago as a pilgrim.

Tapas bar scenes. A glass of wine is typically around $2 and the snacks shown usually not much more. One even gets a smaller tapas for free with each glass of wine.

Above is one of our favorite little wine bars.

More tapas are shown plus two racciones (a bit larger than a tapas) of cuttlefish (above) and one of my favorites. Cindy loves the "pimientos de padrone" (below) - deep fried sweet green peppers sprinkled with coarse salt.

All in all a great evening, stopping at 4 bars for tapas and snacks plus people watching on Friday.

Location:Burgos, Spain

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