Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 7 (9/25) - Lorca to Villamayor de Monjardin (20km)

Started around 7:30am, did not get breakfast at the alberge with intention of breakfast at bar in next village. Met up with british couple from our alberge and had nice visit with Paul and Ellen. Did not notice any breakfast spot (bars usually have coffee and breakfast) so continued on to Estella where we had nice breakfast. Visited really neat 12th century church with cloister and walked around town. There were two other old churches but neither was open.

Found some groceries for lunch - 8 freshly roasted peppers and fruit at small grocery and 100g of jamon at butcher shop plus a really nice baguette. Continued to walk until Irache where they have a fountain with two spigots, one for water and one for red wine. Wine was "rationed" to just a trickle and was pretty poor quality but still a novelty. At a nearby park, we made a sandwich with the baguette, ham, roasted peppers plus some nice manchego cheese that we bought yesterday.

The afternoon was pretty warm (low to mid 80's) and we were tired and hot when we arrived at Villamayor de Monjardin. Alberge is operated by Dutch couple plus volunteers and we got a double room in top floor of neat, old building. Had the usual beer and got cleaned up and had a nice communal meal.

Location:Los Arcos, Spain

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